Following on from our Foundation levels pupils progress to our Middle School.
We are extremely proud that we offer something different from your normal dance school. At LLDS all pupils are taught a well-rounded dance education, with combination classes in many different styles.  Approximately at age 7 depending on previous experience you are ready to embark on your Dance Journey at LLDS with our Dynamic and Classic pathways. Pupils follow through the grades by taking ISTD exams or in-house assessments depending on each child. Pupils are encouraged to take both Dynamic and Classic pathways to become an all-rounded dancer, but they can choose just one if preferred. Read on to find out more …..

Dynamic Stars Grades 1-4Â (Tuesdays, Fridays at Studio 208, Saturdays at Harris Bromley)
Our Dynamic Stars program offers combination classes in ISTD Tap, Modern and Jazz dance, with Musical Theatre styles being introduced at the higher levels, these dynamic classes create an all-rounded performer!
Learn the theatre performance styles that are danced from West End to Broadway and everything in-between, and develop your sense of artistry and performance.
All Dynamic pupils will need tap shoes.
Uniform for Grade 1 and 2
- Option 1 Turquoise all-in one.
- Option 2 Turquoise School Top and black cycle shorts.
Uniform for Grade 3 and 4
- Option 1 Purple school leotard with black lycra leggings.
- Option 2 Purple School Top and black cycle shorts/ LLDS tracksuit bottoms.

Classic Stars Grades 1-4Â (Tuesdays, Fridays at Studio 208, Saturdays at Harris Bromley)
Are you a budding ballerina? do you love to express yourself with music and movement. Our classic stars program offers a truly classical ballet and lyrical contemporary dance experience. This is a beautiful class that combines ballet, ballet repertoire and lyrical/contemporary. It is for pupils who want to improve their classical technique and artistry, whilst exploring the freedom of movement and expression of lyrical contemporary dance.
Ballet repertoire will introduce pupils to the history of ballet and they will be taught sequences from the great Ballets, learning about music and costume too! Pupils are encouraged to work towards ISTD examinations or our in-house assessments to progress through the grades.
Pointe work – By Grade 4 pupils start to have pre-pointe training leading up to first Pointe shoes when they have been assessed and are considered strong enough to cope with the demanding skill of pointe work.
All Classic classes are 90 minutes long.
Uniform for Grade 1 and 2
Option 1 LLDS Teal leotard, ballet ankle socks and ballet shoes with elastics. Teal mesh contemporary dress. Hair must be styled in a classical ballet bun.
Option 2 White ballet T-shirt or leotard and black cycle shorts, or leggings White ankle socks and white ballet shoes with elastics.
Uniform for Grade 3 and 4
Option 1 LLDS Teal leotard, ballet tights and ballet shoes with elastics. Teal mesh contemporary dress. Hair must be styled in a classical ballet bun.
Option 2 White ballet T-shirt or leotard and black cycle shorts, or leggings White ankle socks and white ballet shoes with elastics.
Watch our Contemporary Lyrical workshop below: