All fees are paid on a monthly direct debit for your convenience and here is how it works…
There are three terms, between 12 weeks each = 36 weeks per year. Fees are paid on the 15th of the month.
Autumn term payments are taken on 15th August, 15th September, 15th October, 15th November
Spring term payments are taken on 15th December, 15th January, 15th February, 15th March
Summer term payments are taken on 15th April, 15th May, 15th June, 15th July
Here is an example of how fees have been calculated: –
Pupil attends Dynamic Star Grade 2 (45 mins Modern and 45 mins Tap class)
Cost per class £9.50 x 2 = £19.00
e.g For a 12 week term paid over 4 monthly instalments
19.00 x 12 weeks = £228 / 4 months
= £57.00 per month plus 20% VAT
= £68.40 per month
Our notice period is 4 weeks. You final payment will be worked out once notice has been confirmed. Should you leave and there has been an under or overpayment for classes taken there will be a final invoice/refund issue.
After 4 years of no fee increase our fees have just been revised Sept 2024