Mock exam timetable is confirmed.

But the exam timetables have not been released yet.

Mock Exam timetable
Ballet exam timetable
Modern Exam timetable
Tap Exam timetable

Why do we take exams?

ISTD exams are an exciting experience, that allow our pupils to demonstrate and celebrate their dancing achievements!

LLDS are proud to be associated with the Imperial Society for the Teachers of Dancing. Following their syllabus in each genre of Ballet, Modern Theatre, and Tap not only gives the classes structure and ensures the children’s technique develops at a safe and appropriate pace for their age, but it also allows us to enter children for examinations.

Exams give our pupils a goal and something to work towards which helps maintain focus and the feeling of progressing, which we find is important when they are working so hard in class on a weekly basis.  It is worth noting that exams do not only hold value as a way of tracking progress in each individual child, but once they are old enough to take our Vocational level exams they actually get the chance to earn UCAS points which can go towards helping them get into their chosen University. All ISTD exam are regulated by the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England.

We have always found participating in exams to be an extremely positive and enjoyable experience, so much so that often pupils come out of the exam asking if they can do it again!   Developing a child’s perseverance and work ethic only leads to build strong individuals and we love watching as our pupils cheer on their classmates to succeed and do their best!    Whilst we encourage pupils to take up the opportunity, please note, exams are not compulsory at LLDS.

When will my child be ready? 

The decision to enter a child for an exam happens through discussion with the studio director, Miss Lovick, and the teacher of the class.  Although the children enter in small groups, they have to be ready to enter the examination room without the supervision of a teacher and perform exercises individually with confidence.  This can be overwhelming if a child is under-prepared so it is not a decision we take lightly.

As we’re sure you can appreciate, it requires a lot of time and work to get each child to a point of being ready to take an exam. We are given guidelines to follow by the ISTD which recommends a minimum of how long children should be training for before being entered. This varies from at least 60 hours for our youngest learners at Primary & Grade 1 and goes up to 150 hours once children reach the vocational levels of Intermediate. This is a large reason why we stress the importance of regular attendance and why we often schedule extra coaching lessons leading up the exam.

Our teachers are always working towards the next set of exams, observing classes to  assess and determine when pupils will be ready. They do this expecting 100% attendance. Therefore although we may suggest your child will be taking their exam the next term, if even a few classes are missed this may result in the exam being postponed till the next term or extra private coaching may be taken. Therefore when we inform you that your child is ready for an exam we will ask that you consider all potential conflicts that may result in missing classes; family events; school fairs; holidays; best friend’s birthday etc.

When are exams held?  

In 2024 we will are delighted to confirm that we will be holding a full week of exams from Tuesday 23rd July – Sunday 28th July. The examinations are held at Studio 208. All pupils will have a mock exam on Sunday 7th or 14th July.

What do I need to do? 

We plan our exam sessions one or two terms in advance. Candidates are selected and parents are informed. We have an agreement form that needs to be completed so that you are aware of the requirements and expectations leading up to an exam in order for your child to be fully prepared.  We operate a two stage process where we inform you that your child is progressing well and when we  expect them to be ready for an exam, then we give  you the options and criteria.  From this first point we will ensure candidates are a member of the exam BAND where all the exam work is posted and then we expect them to work along the BAND in connection to their weekly classes.

Costs involved

There will be a cost to take the exam for each child.

  1. There is a school charge of £25.00 per exam for expenses to cover venue hire, staff, pianist, music operator, administration and other related sundries.
  2. Pupil taking Ballet exams Primary, Grade 1 and Grade 2 will rent our Satin Ballet shoes for a price £4.00
  3. There is the exam charge set by the ISTD Primary – £39.00, Grade 1 – £40.25, Grade 2 – £43.00, Grade 3 – £50.25, Grade 4 – £53.00, Grade 5 – £56.25,         Grade 6 – £60.00 Intermediate – 89.50
  4. There is a MOCK exam fee : Primary – Grade 3: £5.00; Grade 4 & 5: £7.50; Grade 6 and above: £10.00

Grades and marking Attendance and teacher expectations

Once they have completed their exam, they will receive a graded mark sheet which specifies what grade they have achieved (detailed down below). All exam certificates and awards are presented on stage to each candidate at our annual Prize Day.

Grade Marks Comments
Distinction 80 – 100 Reflects a high to extremely high standard of achievement
Merit 60 – 79 Reflects a good to very good standard of achievement overall
Pass 40 – 59 Reflects a satisfactory to fairly good standard of achievement overall

It is worth noting these exams do not only hold value as a way of tracking progress in each individual child, but once they are old enough to take our Vocational level exams they actually get the chance to earn UCAS points which can go towards helping them get into their chosen University.

Examiners at the ISTD go through regular and rigorous training to try and make sure their marking is as consistent as possible. However, as with any performing art, personal preference comes into play which can mean that marks do not always come out the same from one examiner to the next. This does not take the value out of participating but is important to understand beforehand.

We have always found participating in exams to be an extremely positive experience. Developing a child’s perseverance and work ethic only leads to build strong individuals and we love the feeling of support we get from each class as they cheer on their classmates to succeed and do the best they can.

We look forward to building your child’s confidence as they
