Communication is key to the smooth running of LLDS!


A great APP where you can communicate with your teacher, watch class videos and much much more!  All classes have their own BAND classroom, which are an integral and mandatory part of the dance class, therefore all pupils will be invited to their relevant band classroom after registration


Are you on Facebook? Then join us and like our official page.

Do you want to know everything first, including offers, new classes, special events?! Then join our super active Parent Facebook group which is updated daily with photos, news, important school updates and much more. Be part of our FB family and join now!


Do you have Instagram? Why not follow us here too? Here we post so many fabulous photos of what our pupils are doing in class, news events and competitions galore.


You will receive monthly colourful Mailchimp Newsletters, which are a vital read as they contain important information on developments and news within the school. You won’t want to miss these bright and jolly reads! We always remind you by FB, INSTA and BAND that your newsletter has been sent to your inbox!