We are delighted to be able to offer a fabulous dance class for our little pre-school dancers.

Classes are 30 minutes long.

Mini Musical Stars follows the ISTD Pre-school Ballet and Modern syllabus with a focus on musicality, imagination and having lots of fun in the world of music and song. Along with our experienced pianist we will transport your child to another world with song and dance, exploring and creating a different theme each term. Classes are totally engaging and once they enter the dance studio, we transport them to our LLDS world of magic!

Saturday classes at Studio 208, Sydenham

Class One 9:15 – 9:45am

Class Two 10:00 – 10:30am

Pre-School Age 3-4 Register here

Our uniform for Mini stars is:

  • Pink Bloch Tutu with pink socks and ballet shoes


  • White school T-shirt and black cycle shorts with white socks and white ballet shoes


Super Stars is the total dance package for our Reception and Year 1 children, who can sparkle and shine with ISTD Ballet, Modern and Acrodance!

In this fun and lively class, every week is an adventure! Self-expression and imagination are encouraged, and children discover the joy of moving to music whilst learning the foundations of dance in all three genres. Classes are 60 minutes long and pupils will work towards an end of term presentation.

Pupils enjoy using our numerous teaching aids such as scarves, feathers, hoops, musical instruments and bean bags.   The Acro element of class involves our Junior Acropad, rollers and balance beams!   We really do have the most amazing time being a Super Star.

Our Super Stars classes are held at Studio 208 on Thursdays 4.15-5.15pm and Saturdays 10.45 – 11:45am.

Super Stars Age 4-5 Register here

Our uniform for Super Stars is:


  • Aqua school skirted leotard with pink socks, ballet shoes.


  • Purple school T-shirt and black cycle shorts, with socks and ballet shoes

Bare feet for Modern and Acro


We are delighted to introduce our exciting and newly developed total dance package for Year 1 and 2 school age children.   Our Galaxy Stars program with weekly combination classes in ISTD Ballet, Modern and Tap builds the foundations of dance.  Self-expression and creativity is encouraged as much as excellent technique and development of the work already learnt in Super stars.  Classes are structured and carefully planned to follow different themes each term.  Pupils have the opportunity to take the ISTD Primary Ballet examination or have an in-house assessment to move up to Middle school when they are ready for the next level. Classes are 75 minutes long enabling pupils to benefit from an exciting and all-rounded dance education.

Our uniform for Galaxy Stars is:

Option 1 Lilac school skirted leotard with pink socks, ballet shoes and tap shoes

Option 2 Turquoise uniform boys top or purple school T-shirt and black cycle shorts with white socks, white ballet shoes and tap shoes

Galaxy Star Age 5-7 Register here